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Virtual Norwegian
ForumVirtual NorwegianEvents[VATSIM, 07/02/2025 17:00] Vilnius Online
[VATSIM, 07/02/2025 17:00] Vilnius Online
By NOZ100 Server
February 03, 2025 in Events
NOZ100 Server, Monday at 03:00
Vilnius Online - Virtual Norwegian Events

vACC Lithuania would like to invite you all to join Vilnius Online Day! Join us and explore the beautiful Baltic skies while our controllers provide professional ATC service in Vilnius! Don't miss this chance to discover the capital of Lithuania from the cockpit and interact with fellow aviation enthusiasts. So join us weekly on Friday between 17z-20z and make your mark in the virtual skies!

We recommend you to install the latest EYVI scenery
Charts & Sceneries

When: 07/02/2025 17:00 - 07/02/2025 20:00
Network: VATSIM
  • Vilnius International Airport (EYVI/VNO)
Event added automatically from VATSIM Event Calendar. View original event post at